This is not the post that I planned on being “next”. I initially wrote the next “next” post in 1998. It is titled, the “Yin and Yang of Entitlement.” It is a deep dive into the human psyche; not just “how it works”, but how it is presently conditioned to work.
By our habits to we limit, or liberate ourselves. Seeing the “conditioning” of our perception, and particularly our perception about ourselves, which has been fed a stream of agenda-based ideas for millennia, helps us to unscramble the inner conflicts and set a course to a destination, and destiny, of our own choosing.
You won’t have to wait until the next next post to take that journey, for that intent is in everything I do. What you do with it is always up to you.
While I finish up the update of the next next post, I invite you to watch the video linked at the end of this one. It includes an introduction to CoopBusiness.
More below:

If “we”, meaning you and me, are going to change our world, we’ll have to create it from a vision that is not self-evident to anyone but us. That’s because the vision is within us. I have produced a ton of videos on the subject of cooperative wealth generation through a platform called CoopCrowd, to which the developer has added CoopBusiness as a companion platform.

It also means that we will have to re-imagine our role in the process. We’ve become accustomed to someone else telling us what the big problems are, and that they are working them out. All we have to do is sit patiently have faith in and “follow” them.
We don’t really know them, nor do they know us, Yet, we’re supposed to set aside, dismiss, or discount the Inner Voice, which knows and cares for us more intimately than we know. What we get in this exchange of confidence and faith, is what we got now.
Unless we change the focus of our benevolent regard and confidence, and include ourselves in benevolent belief, we will not change our own consciousness, which is the stabilizing factor to maintain the “reality” with which we are most familiar.
New Imaginings Courtesy AI
I have been experimenting with Midjourney, the AI-based service that creates visual images from word prompts. While some people are prepared to abdicate human “rulership” to AI “Overlords”, these services, which are popping up like pimples at puberty, can be excellent resources to help visualize, and then rally around, new, more desirable paradigms.

Seeing ourselves in a new, or next world, or in this world having enough available, negotiable value to get what we want, when we want it, regardless of the price, must be imagined before it can become a reality. People are too busy waiting for Armageddon or some other “pandemity” to dare think their little ole’ dream has a chance of coming true.
Thank our present education system for helping people standardize on a path of failure, and if a smidgeon of “money” was gained, call it “success.”
While I didn’t “create” the cooperative fundraising platform described below, I certainly imagined it. In fact, I have come across videos from 2016 and 2017, where I specifically mentioned the power of cooperation; that we could benefit far more from cooperative effort than from the competitive mindset that drives most activity now. I’ll find and repost some of those videos.

I didn’t realize this cooperative system as the manifestation of my vision until after I had joined it, and continued learning how it functions.

Even then, one must do their own inner work in order to permit themselves to change their own reality. Many of my loved ones, friends, and associates have looked, but not embraced this amazing system, which is achievable through a minimal deposit ($99 or $379 in cryptovalue, plus invite 3 people to do the same). The key to the system is timeliness. Creating an account takes only a minute or two, simply by clicking the invitation link and filling out the requested information.
Sleeper CoopWallet
Your membership includes a cryptowallet, called the CoopWallet. Next to each member, it is the most important and unique part of this cooperative ecosystem. The CoopWallet is your interface to the CoopBusiness value exchange ecosystem. Private and secure, your deposits will go into it, your subscription payments will flow from it to 10 other members. In return, your earnings will be directed to it, each time a new member in your CrowdStage activates or renews, from a maximum of 88,572, and withdrawn by you from it, for any use that you wish, any time you wish.

It will be like having a genie in your own personal digital wallet.
The subscription payment for CoopBusiness is either $28, or $308 every 28 days. This is where timeliness comes in.
Your mission is to invite 3 people who share your vision, or have visions of their own, in a timely fashion. Like most people, I took my time with that.

Nonetheless, you should host a CoopBusiness presentation within 72 hours of joining, if not sooner with 3 or more people. Your goal should be to have 3 people active within 3 days, so have your 3 people in mind when you join. That will be the example that you want to set.
There are video presentations available that you can link to. Live presentations are being done every week, and then there are my hours and hours of ramblings on the subject.
This playlist currently has 34 videos. Most were produced before CoopBusiness. The video linked below is the first for CoopBusiness. However, the principles of all the others, applies to the new addition.
I have to say that the shift of dependency from others, to the individual, plus the egalitarian way that funds are managed and distributed, were key values that distinguishes the COOP system.
CoopBusiness equally rewards each participant who restores their own sense of self-value, with a substantial, ongoing flow of negotiable value assets. Simply invite 3, and then assist them in inviting their 3. They become the nucleus of your personal income inflow system. It starts off modestly, but grows as more members join who are linked to your invitation. As they repeat what you did, it grows for them too.
This is one way that each can genuinely and actively participate in their own financial rescue, but it’s not limited to finance. By changing your consciousness, you change your resonance with everything.
Map of Onesciousness
It was the profound non-reaction or non-engagement with my CoopCrowd musings that prompted me to find another way to inspire or encourage people to question, challenge and change their own motivations. Some 20 years ago I read Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, written by Dr. David R. Hawkins. In this groundbreaking book, he introduced an amazing tool, which he called, the Map of Consciousness®.

This was, and is an amazing tool for self-assessment and adjustment. Who knows your psychological habits and hangouts better than you do? Who knows the secrets you don’t even share with your therapists? This is the “dark web” of the soul that few admit to, that affects every life in which it is active. The Map of Consciousness permits an objective evaluation of these factors, by placing a qualitative and comparative value to each. In addition to Power vs. Force, a second book, titled, The Map of Consciousness Explained, was published in 2020.
Somewhere around fall of 2022, I began to “see” the Map of Consciousness differently. Instead of the “bottom-up” style shown above, it occurred to me that presenting it in a circular format would be better, as it allows an “inward-out” orientation. After I completed laying out the basic information of Dr. Hawkins’ original, then other insights followed.
What you see here is the final product, which I refer to as a PSI-Chart, and is called the Map of Onesciousness.

The term “onesciousness” came from blending two concepts, that of “consciousness” with oneness. Consciousness is the amalgamation of ALL our energetic, informational, and hence vibrational states, which creates the stability that makes our experience, as well as the memory of it, possible. Oneness reflects the idea that there is only one of what we are, to which each is connected, is affected by, and affects.
To change our experience, a change of consciousness must occur; knowingly or unknowingly. As so many people weren’t willing to take an objective, meaning unbiased or non-prejudicial look at CoopCrowd (which I was presenting at the time), I realized that it wasn’t about the platform, but about the motivations and demotivations (fears) of people.
Those motivations would need to be sparked and fears transmuted, for any beneficial change. I believe that the Map of Onesciousness will be of great assistance to each, not just for asset building via CoopBusiness, but for any and all beneficial change, including self-healing, and much more.
I am writing a book… perhaps a guidebook for the Map of Onesciousness, which delves more into the principles as well as guidelines for use.
If All We Need is Love, then the Change Has Already Occurred
So I can thank this cooperative value restoration system for giving me the feedback that I needed in order to create a tool that will help people clear their blockages to any and ALL requisitions from the Infinite Supplier. Who is surprised that the answer is Love?
We have always had the power to change the world, because we have allowed the world to become the way it is. However, we don’t have to concern ourselves with matters of “the world”. Just see how adding Love to our world changes it, because it changes us.
You will need a little bit of money and strong self-value in order to succeed at what this platform delivers if you do. For once, it’s no longer about “following the money”, but about restoring the core of You. When you do the steps outlined, copious amounts of negotiable value will flow to You, which you can convert into “money” at your discretion.
I will write more about this too, after the next “next” post.